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Legislation update

Consultations which opened in January 2025


16/01/2025            DBT       Integrated National Transport Strategy: a call for ideas

Extend the deadline to 20/01/25


02/01/2025       DVSA    Zero emission vans: regulatory flexibility

"Interested parties are invited to comment on proposals aimed at making it easier and cheaper for operators to use zero emission vans. The proposals in this consultation focus on: roadworthiness testing drivers’ hours rules"               


Consultations which closed in January 2025

25/01/25 Logistics UK have responded to consultation on UK ETS scope expansion: maritime sector.

More details can be found here.


30/01/2024       NI           Review of the Northern Ireland Curriculum              

The review will make a series of policy recommendations regarding the purpose, design, specification and implementation of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. It is also expected to provide a strategic assessment of the current curriculum within the international context.             


30/01/2025       ETRAC                Holyhead Port Storm Damage and Closure      

The Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the Holyhead Port Storm Damage and Closure.


17/01/2024       DBT       The Comprehensive Trade Strategy                      


As part of DBT’s ongoing work towards publishing a comprehensive Trade Strategy in spring 2025, we are taking forward a ministerial steer to provide an avenue for stakeholders to express their written views on the important issues for them and what they would like to see included. To progress this, the Trade Strategy team has set up an open mailbox, to which all stakeholders are invited to send their views. Communication to stakeholders has been circulated by the External Affairs team, signposting to the tradestrategyengagement@businessandtrade.gov.uk mailbox, which is now live and closes on 17 January 2025.                                                                                                                                 

24/01/2025       DfT        East West Rail consultation 2024                        

Have your say on proposals for a new rail link between Oxford, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge.             


29/01/2025       DEFRA                Biosecurity at the border           

This call for evidence will examine animal and plant biosecurity measures for personal and commercial imports to the UK. The Committee will examine both the stringency of biosecurity controls as well as their impact on international trade.

The Committee is seeking evidence regarding the efficacy of biosecurity measures and what – if any – immediate improvements can be made to personal and commercial import controls in advance, or in the absence, of a sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) or veterinary agreement with the EU.                                                                                   


13/01/2025       DfESNZ              Unlocking community energy at scale: call for evidence to new Parliamentary inquiry                       

The Committee is today launching an inquiry to consider the policy, market and regulatory reforms needed to support the growth of community energy and realise in full the sector’s potential contributions to achieving the UK’s net zero targets.


13/01/2025       DEFRA NI           Consultation on the establishment of a Just Transition Commission

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) seeks to gather views on the establishment of the Just Transition Commission for Northern Ireland.

DAERA welcomes and encourages all stakeholders, interested organisations, groups, and individuals to provide their views on this consultation."


13/01/2025       DfESNZ              Workforce planning to deliver clean, secure energy     

The committee has launched an inquiry on how to build the workforce that is needed to deliver the policies and infrastructure for the UK’s clean, secure energy mission. 

The inquiry aims to:   explore the difficulties in recruiting and retraining the workforce to deliver a clean energy sector and retrofit homes and businesses;  assess how the new Office for Clean Energy jobs can contribute to workforce planning; andgain an understanding of the specific role of the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero in delivering clean energy jobs."                  



Announcements, January 2025


30/01/2025       DfT        Airport capacity and expansion: a government update         

This update sets out the role of aviation in growth, provides an overview of the current airport sector and outlines how the government can unlock airport capacity to boost growth.                                                           

27/01/2025       HO         Secondary legislation for driver offender retraining courses

Government response on the proposal to add 13 offences to schedule 3 of the Road Traffic Offender Act 1988.                                                                     


17/101/25         DfT        Non-road mobile machinery: decarbonisation options        

Summary of responses published.                                                                   


06/01/2025       DfT        Extension of Ukraine driving licence exchange

Proposal to extend the Ukraine driving licence exchange by an additional 18 months, increasing the time of use to 54 months after the holder becomes resident.   

Published On: 06/02/2025 14:00:06


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