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Legislation update – January 2022

Keep up to date with live government consultations, recently closed consultations and key announcements.

Live consultations (by date of release

Transport Scotland – Scotland's pavement parking prohibitions: pre-implementation directions and regulations for local authorities 

The Scottish Government has been working to improve parking legislation in Scotland in order to tackle the impact of inconsiderate and obstructive parking and ensure that our roads and pavements are accessible for all. Released 17/12/2021 – closes 11/03/2022. 

Transport Select Committee – Fuelling the future: motive power and connectivity 

The Transport Committee has opened a new inquiry – Fuelling the future: motive power and connectivity – which will examine how government fuel policy will affect connectivity, capacity and sustainability across all transport modes, including motor vehicles, maritime, rail and aviation, up to 2050. Released 13/12/2021 – closes 21/01/2022. 

DfT – Whole industry strategic plan for rail: call for evidence 

Invites responses on how rail can support long-term national objectives to inform the development of a 30-year strategic plan for the rail industry. Released 09/12/2021 – closes 04/02/2022. 

Office of Rail & Road – ORR's role and approach to the third road investment strategy 

We are seeking views on our proposed approach to assessing the challenge and deliverability of plans for the third road investment strategy. Released 08/12/2021 – closes 28/01/2022. 

Transport East – Transport East Transport Plan 

Transport East is seeking views on its subregional transport plan. Released 02/12/2021 – closes 30/01/2022. 

Consultations which closed in December 

BEIS – Make flexible working the default 

This consultation sought views from individuals and businesses on proposals to reform flexible working regulations. Released 23/09/2021 – closed 01/12/2021. 

HMRC – Technical consultation on Plastic Packaging Tax (General) Regulations 2021 

HMRC welcomed views on the technical application of these regulations ahead of the introduction of Plastic Packaging Tax from 1 April 2022. Released 04/11/2021 – closed 01/12/2021. 

CMA – Proposed commitments in respect of long-term exclusive arrangements for the supply of electric vehicle charge points on or near motorways 

The CMA invited representations from interested third parties on commitments offered by Gridserve Holdings Limited, MOTO Holdings Limited, Roadchef Limited and Extra MSA Property (UK) Limited, (the Parties) to address the CMA’s competition concerns in the context of an investigation under the Competition Act 1998. Released 17/11/2021 – closed 02/12/2021.  

Multi Department – Amending the Road Traffic Act 1988 to allow registered healthcare professionals to complete DVLA medical questionnaires 

This consultation sought views on changing the Road Traffic Act 1988, as amended, to enable healthcare professionals other than registered medical practitioners (doctors with full General Medical Council (GMC) registration) to complete DVLA medical questionnaires. Released 08/11/2021 – closed 06/12/2021. 

DfT – Creating a Road Collision Investigation Branch (RCIB) 

Sought views on the desirability of establishing an RCIB and how it might operate. An RCIB was suggested to carry out thematic investigations and probe specific incidents of concern to establish the causes of collisions and make independent safety recommendations to help further improve road safety across the country. Released 28/10/2021 – closed 09/12/2021. 

National Highways – A14 Junction 55 Copdock Interchange Public Consultation 

National Highways considered the A14 Junction 55 Copdock Interchange for proposed improvement as part of National Highways continued investment in the East of England. Released 29/10/2021 – closed 09/12/2021.  

National Highways – M1/M62 Lofthouse Interchange Public Consultation 

National Highways opened a consultation seeking views on its proposals to improve the M1/M62 Lofthouse Interchange, to tackle problems with the current junction and to make sure it is fit for the future. Released 01/11/2021 – closed 10/12/2021.  

ORR – PR23 review of Network Rail’s Schedule 4 possessions regime 

Reviewed how Network Rail’s possessions regime may need to change – including considering industry reform. It was proposed to make only one significant change to Schedule 4 by allowing all train operators to opt out (completely or partially) of Schedule 4. Released 30/09/2021 – closed 13/12/2021.  

National Highways – A12 Chelmsford to A120 widening supplementary consultation 

Following on from the Statutory Consultation held this summer, National Highways has looked at the feedback and made some further changes to the proposals. Released 09/11/2021 – closed 19/12/2021. 

MCA – Consultation on safety of electric vehicles on passenger Ro-Ro ferries 

This consultation sought comments on a proposed new Marine Guidance Note which provides the UK shipping industry with best practice guidance to facilitate safe carriage and charging operations of electrified vehicles being transported onboard roll-on roll-off passenger (Ro-pax) ferries. Released 25/10/2021 – closed 20/12/2021. 

Greater Cambridge Partnership – Greener Travel in Cambridge 

GCP proposed to invest in public transport, walking and cycling and fund it with either a road user charging zone or increased parking charges, including a Workplace Parking Levy. Released 17/11/2021 – closed 20/12/2021. 

National Highways – National Highways Route Strategies 

Route strategies are one of the key steps of initial research in the development of the Road Investment Strategy (RIS). This is a rolling programme that sets NH's plan for the strategic road network (SRN) and determines how it secures investment for the work it needs to do. Opened 27/08/21 – closed 31/12/2021. 

Scottish Government – Scottish Landfill Tax: further clarity and certainty 

This consultation intended to gather views from landfill operators, waste managers, waste and resource sector companies, local authorities and other interested stakeholders on the proposed legislative amendment. Opened 25/11/2021 – closed 31/12/2021.  

Announcements, December 2021 

21/12/2021 – HMRC – HMRC urges businesses to prepare for January customs changes 

Some of the temporary Customs and VAT easements introduced on 1 January 2021 for goods moving between Great Britain and the EU will be removed on 1 January 2022. 

21/12/2021 – HMT – £1 billion in support for businesses most impacted by Omicron across the UK 

Additional support will be available for businesses who have been impacted by the Omicron variant, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak announced today (21 December). 

21/12/2021 – DfT – Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000 and their application to home-to-school and rail replacement coach services 

Letter from Baroness Vere to coach, rail and local authority representatives about extended exemptions from the Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations (PSVAR) 2000. 

20/12/2021 – HMT – UK Government doubles funding for Devolved Administrations to tackle Covid 

The UK government has doubled the amount of additional funding available for the governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to tackle Covid. 

17/12/2021 – DVSA – DVSA Enforcement Sanctions Policy 

Updated – December 2021 – Action Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) traffic examiners take to deal with offences, including warnings, prohibition notices, and fixed penalties. 

17/12/2021 – HMRC – Goods leaving Great Britain from 1 January 2022 at ports using GVMS (CIP 2) 

HMRC’s policy on customs controls for exporters from 1 January 2022 in Great Britain. 

16/12/2021 – DVSA – TOP update: OCRS customer reports system available from today 

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) announced that OCRS reports are now available for all operators. Technical difficulties have meant that the reports have been unavailable since July. There are several new features, including desk-based assessments (DBAs) and fleet assessments included in OCRS, which may have changed your score. 

16/12/2021 – Multi Department – New rules for towing a trailer with a car from 16 December 2021 

The rules about towing a trailer or caravan with a car changed on 16 December 2021. Find out how the changes affect you. 

16/12/2021 – TfL – London congestion charge operating hours to be reduced 

On 16 December 2021 the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, confirmed the proposed changes to the Congestion Charge, following a period of consultation. The changes reduce the hours of operation to 0700-1800 during the week and 1200-1800 at the weekend and Bank Holidays from 21 February 2022. The announcement also confirms that the charge will remain at the current £15 rate. 

16/12/2021 – CO – Webinars and videos for organisations that trade with the EU 

Sign up for webinars and watch videos about trading with the EU. 

16/12/2021 – BEIS – Company law: provisional common framework 

How the UK government and the Northern Ireland Executive propose to work together on company law policy. 

16/12/2021 – BEIS – Crackdown on directors who dissolve companies to evade debts 

Rogue directors who dissolve their companies and avoid paying liabilities to staff, creditors and the taxpayer can now be disqualified from being a director. 

16/12/2021 – DfT – Transport Statistics Great Britain 

Update for 2021: Statistical trends on the British transport sector. 

15/12/2021 – Multi Department – Government funding targeted at more affordable zero-emission vehicles as market charges ahead in shift towards an electric future 

Changes to the plug-in grant scheme to enable funding to go further and to help more people make the switch to an electric vehicle.  

15/12/2021 – DfT – Port freight quarterly statistics: July to September 2021 

Provisional quarterly statistics on freight handled by UK major ports for July to September 2021. 

15/12/2021 – DfT – Birmingham to receive £72 million in government funding for vital transport link 

Investment in crucial maintenance for Birmingham road link between the city centre and the M6 motorway. 

14/12/2021 – Multi Department – 11 countries removed from the UK’s red list 

Government announces all 11 countries on the UK red list will be removed from 4am Wednesday 15 December as Omicron spreads in countries around the world. 

14/12/2021 – DfT – Gareth Davies appointed as new Second Permanent Secretary at DfT 

New Second Permanent Secretary at the Department for Transport, Gareth Davies brings significant experience from across government and the private sector. 

14/12/2021 – HMRC – The Customs Importation (Miscellaneous Provisions and Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021 

From 1 January 2022, full customs declarations will be required for goods moving from the European Union (EU) to Great Britain which will be risk assessed with some of those imported goods requiring checks. 

14/12/2021 – DfT – Travel time measures for the Strategic Road Network and local ‘A’ roads: October 2020 to September 2021 

Congestion on the Strategic Road Network (motorways and ‘A’ roads managed by Highways England), and on locally managed ‘A’ roads, year ending September 2021. 

14/12/2021 – DfT – Quarterly bus statistics: July to September 2021 

Local bus passenger journeys and fares statistics in Great Britain for July to September 2021. 

14/12/2021 – DfT – Provisional road traffic estimates, Great Britain: October 2020 to September 2021 

Provisional estimates for road traffic in Great Britain for the year ending September 2021, by vehicle type and road class. 

11/12/2021 – DfT – Interim extension of current Transport for London funding settlement 

An interim extension of the current Transport for London funding settlement has been granted until 17 December 2021. 

10/12/2021 – Multi Department – Training and more testing to help people become HGV drivers 

First intensive short courses in HGV driving get under way to help tackle skills shortages and support up to 11,000 people launching new careers in the logistics sector. 

10/12/2021 – DfT – Transport infrastructure skills: improving equality, diversity and inclusion 

Research into the issues within the infrastructure sector regarding equality, diversity and inclusion, specifically gender, plus suggesting future practices. 

10/12/2021 – Tackling loneliness with transport fund 

Public and charity sectors are invited to apply for grants of up to £500,000 to pilot projects that aim to reduce loneliness through transport schemes. 

10/12/2021 – Transport for the North – Sub-national Transport Bodies Conference 26th May 2022 

This will see all of England’s seven STBs come together and demonstrate our collective strategic leadership on transport infrastructure and for Transport for the North to promote and share the contribution we are making to this joined-up thinking on themes such as decarbonisation, inclusive economic growth and freight. 

07/12/2021 – BEIS – Government invests over £116 million to drive forward green innovation in the UK 

Funding will boost green innovation across the UK as efforts to help businesses reduce their carbon emissions continue. 

07/12/2021 – BEIS – Energy and emissions projections: Net Zero Strategy baseline (partial interim update December 2021) 

Projections of greenhouse gas emissions and energy demand from 2020 to 2040. 

07/12/2021 – DfT – Government announces £35 million for vital improvements to A40 in Oxford 

Multimillion-pound investment to improve A40 will ease congestion, improve road safety and allow for the construction of new homes in Oxford. 

06/12/2021 – Multi Department – Government-backed liquid hydrogen plane paves way for zero emission flight 

UK project unveils plans for a new liquid hydrogen plane. 

04/12/2021 – DIT – Trade Secretary champions small businesses to reach their export potential 

Currently only 1 in 10 small businesses export, as the Trade Secretary encourages SMEs to take up government offer of support and sell their products to the world. 

03/12/2021 – DVLA – DVLA launches new campaign to help move customers online 

The campaign highlights the ease, speed and security of DVLA’s online services. 

03/12/2021 – Latest notices for traders from Defra, December 2021 

Defra has issued notices for traders on importing requirements coming into place during 2022. 

02/12/2021 – DIT – UK helps broker groundbreaking WTO agreement set to cut cost of global services trade by £113 billion  

The UK’s world-leading services sector is set to benefit from a landmark deal announced at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) today. 

02/12/2021 – DfT – HGV Road User Levy  

Update: The HGV levy is suspended from 1 August 2020 to 31 July 2023 to support the haulage sector and aid pandemic recovery efforts. 

02/12/2021 – DVSA – Earned Recognition change digital requirement 

Digital requirements for DVSA’s Earned Recognition scheme have changed. Earned Recognition operators, or those seeking to join the scheme, will not need to have one single fully digital reporting system by 1 April 2022. The changes have been made following consultation with Earned Recognition members, operators outside the scheme and IT suppliers. 

01/12/2021 – HMRC – Less than a month until full customs controls are introduced 

HMRC is reminding traders to prepare for customs changes that come into effect on 1 January 2022. 

01/12/2021 – HMRC – The Customs and Excise Border Procedures (Miscellaneous Amendments) (EU Exit) (No.2) Regulations 2021 

This tax information and impact note is about legislative changes that will allow customs procedures to continue to operate efficiently and help facilitate the movement of goods between Great Britain and the European Union (EU). 

01/12/2021 – CO – UK Single Trade Window - Policy discussion paper 

A discussion paper on the key design choices for the UK Single Trade Window 

01/12/2021 – DfT – Preparing the third road investment strategy 

The three stages the government will go through to prepare and plan for the road investment strategy after 2025. 

Published On: 06/01/2022 16:00:19


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