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Legislation update – July 2021

Keep up to date with the latest government consultations, recently closed consultations and announcements.

Current consultations

Highways England – Lower Thames Crossing – community impacts consultation (pre warning)  

Final opportunity to obtain the Development Consent Order (DCO) – This Community Impacts Consultation will provide an opportunity to review and comment on plans to build and operate the Lower Thames Crossing. Topics include changes to traffic, air quality, noise and vibration, as well as the impact of the new crossing on the environment and landscape. Due for release 14/07/2021 – closes 08/09/2021. 

BEIS – Strengthening the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) 

This consultation seeks views on proposed measures to strengthen the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme to improve the uptake of energy efficiency measures, and increase the benefits for participating businesses. Released 06/07/2021 – closes 28/09/2021. 

Ofgem – Access and Forward-looking Charges Significant Code Review - Consultation on Minded to Positions 

Seeking views on Ofgem's ‘minded-to’ proposals relating to fast-tracked areas of the Access and Forward-looking Charging Significant Code Review, including their proposals for: distribution connection charging, definition and choice of access rights, and transmission charging for small distributed generation. Released 30/06/2021 - closes 25/08/2021.  

DfT – Changes to the UK operator licensing regime and arrangements for the temporary posting of workers in the UK and EU: request for evidence 

Consultation asking for evidence and views on changes to the operator licensing regime within the UK that need to be made following the conclusion of the EU trade agreements. The changes to the operator licensing regime are: an extension to include vehicles that weigh more than 2.5 tonnes used for hire and reward on international journeys. And the posting of workers to ensure that an employee carrying out a service in an EU member state on a temporary basis has rights. Released 29/06/2021 – closes 24/08/2021. 

DfT – Operator licensing and posting of workers 

Call for evidence regarding amendments to operator licensing as a result of the EU Mobility Package through the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, and posting of workers. Includes measures to bring scope of standard international operator licensing down to 2.5t. Released 29/06/2021 – closes 24/07/2021. 

Scottish Government – Workplace parking licensing regulations and guidance  

This consultation on Workplace Parking Licensing (WPL) Scheme regulations and guidance seeks views on the regulatory framework and supporting guidance which will underpin local authorities’ WPL schemes, should they choose to implement WPL. Released 11/06/2021 – closes 06/09/2021. 

CCAV – UK connected and automated mobility: call for evidence 

The Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles is seeking evidence to inform strategic policy on connected and automated mobility (CAM) in the UK. Released 08/06/2021 – closes 16/07/2021. 

Transport for the North – Decarbonisation Strategy 

TtN want feedback on their draft Decarbonisation Strategy. They are carrying out a public consultation on the strategy and proposed future decarbonisation activities. Released 07/06/2021 – closes 31/08/2021. 

Scottish Government – Consultation on Traffic Regulation Orders 

This consultation has been designed to gather further information from interested parties to assess where legislative change may be appropriate. A key theme emerged around the procedures for experimental TROs which were generally considered outdated and unhelpful. Other areas that will benefit from further exploration are the use of redetermination orders and TROs covering loading bays. Released 04/06/2021 – closes 30/07/2021. 

DfT – Street and roadworks - further reform 

Proposals for further reforms to legislation covering utility street and highway authority road works including changes to permit schemes and to the data that needs to be provided to Street Manager. Released 28/05/2021 – closes 23/07/2021. 

DIT – Trade with India: Call for Input 

Seeking input on which aspects of our current trading arrangements with India we should look to improve or amend. Released 25/05/2021 – Closes 31/08/2021. 

HMRC – Call for evidence: the tax administration framework: supporting a 21st century tax system  

HMRC is seeking views on how the tax administration framework could be updated and simplified to provide a better experience for individuals and organisations. Released 23/03/2021, closes 13/07/2021.  

DfT – Night flight restrictions at Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted airports between 2022 and 2024 plus future night flight policy  

Consultation seeking views and evidence on revising the night flight dispensation guidance, allowing airport operators and the Secretary of State for Transport to disregard movements from the existing restrictions in certain circumstances. It seeks evidence on the night flight restrictions at the designated airports beyond 2024 including: structure of the government’s night noise quota count system, length of the future regime, and future movement and noise quota allowances. The consultation also seeks views on our national night flight policy, including on the health impacts of aviation noise at night and the economic value of night flights plus the emergence of new technology. Released 04/03/2021 – Extended to 03/09/2021.  

Recently closed consultations    

DfT – Amending the UK trailer registration scheme: altering inspector location, removing further inspection fee and addition of trailer type information 

Amending regulations regarding licence font, inspector location, trailer inspection fee, document renewal, trailer type inclusion and towed vehicles status. Released 04/06/2021 closed 02/07/2021. 

NI Exec. – Consultation on policy options for the new Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland 

The NI executive launched the Policy Options Consultation Paper for the new Energy Strategy which included a proposed vision for the Energy Strategy, a range of underlying principles around which all energy policies will be developed and key issues to prioritise. A range of illustrative energy scenarios to visualise how different potential future energy systems could be. And a series of potential policy options structured around our proposed principles and accompanied by consultation questions which follow on from the information provided through the Call for Evidence. Released 31/03/2021 closed 30/06/2021. 

DfT – Operation Brock: removing sunset clauses and provisions for EU Exit and COVID-19 pandemic from existing traffic management legislation 

Consultation seeking views on the proposed updating and amendment of three Statutory Instruments (SIs) underpinning traffic management contingency plans to mitigate traffic disruption in Kent known as Operation Brock. Closed 18/6/2021. 

HMRC – Raising standards in the tax advice market  

The government published a call for evidence to begin to explore the opportunities and challenges of more frequent payment of Income Tax within Income Tax Self-Assessment, and of Corporation Tax for small companies, based on in-year information. Released 23/03/2021, closed 15/06/2021.  

BEIS – Role of biomass in achieving net zero: call for evidence 

This call for evidence aimed to strengthen the government’s evidence base around biomass and will contribute to a review of the potential for biomass to support the UK’s net zero target. Released 20/04/2021 – closed 15/06/2021. 

BEIS – Introducing a performance-based policy framework in large commercial and industrial buildings  

This consultation set out the government’s proposals to introduce a national performance-based policy framework for rating the energy and carbon performance of commercial and industrial buildings above 1,000m² in England and Wales, with annual ratings and mandatory disclosure as the first step. The consultation is in two parts: the strategy paper outlined the rationale for the policy, its aims, and proposals on how to implement it, and the consultation on phase one of the policy, which set out proposals for implementing annual performance-based ratings in commercial and industrial offices above 1,000m² in England and Wales. Released 17/03/2021, closed 09/06/2021.  

DEFRA – Packaging and packaging waste: introducing Extended Producer Responsibility   

DEFRA sorts views on plans to introduce an Extended Producer Responsibility scheme for packaging. This will mean that packaging producers will pay the full cost of managing packaging once it becomes waste. The aim is to encourage producers to use less packaging and use more recyclable materials, reducing the amount of hard to recycle packaging placed on the market. DEFRA specifically asked about how the scheme will operate, including, scheme design, scheme governance, implementation timelines, and how the scheme will be enforced. Released 24/03/2021, closed 04/06/2021.   

DfE – Flexi-job apprenticeships: reshaping the role of apprenticeship training agencies 

This consultation considers how flexi-job apprenticeship schemes can support the growth of apprenticeships in sectors where short-term and project-based contracts are the norm. Released 20/04/2021 – closed 01/06/2021. 

Announcements, June/July 2021 

DfT – 07/07/2021 Temporary relaxation of the enforcement of the retained EU drivers’ hours rules: all road haulage sectors in Great Britain.  

Announcement by government regrading temporary relaxation of the retained EU drivers’ hours for drivers undertaking carriage of goods by road in response to the driver shortage. To run between 12 July – 8 August.  

DVSA – 06/07/2021 – New theory test booking service: change to go live date 

The new Safe Driving for Life website has been developed with feedback from ADIs and National Associations Strategic Partnership (NASP) and includes eLearning (subscription) potential driving instructor’s theory test revision, theory test revision, ability for pupils to share their theory test progress with their instructor. 

UK Visa and Immigration – 01/06/2021 – Guidance on Right to work Checks  

This guidance explains what employers must do to prevent illegal working in the UK by carrying out document checks on people before employing them to make sure they are allowed to work. 

DfT – 30/06/2021 – Jet Zero Council keeps up momentum with £3 million government funding for zero emission flight infrastructure as UK pioneers first-ever net zero carbon freighter flights 

Government launches first round of £3 million Zero Emission Flight Infrastructure (ZEFI) competition, supporting development of infrastructure required to aid electric and hydrogen aircraft such as charge points for planes. the government will award businesses and universities around the UK up to £50,000 each to pioneer critical research into infrastructure, such as charge points and hydrogen fuelling tanks, that will enable the mass uptake of electric and hydrogen aircraft. 

DfT – 29/06/2021 – European motor insurance directive: removal of Vnuk from UK law 

Government will continue to explore bringing forward the necessary legislation as soon as parliamentary time allows to remove Vnuk from UK legislation. 

DVSA – 17/06/2021 – Driving tests and instructor statistics 

Statistics and data about the number of theory tests and driving tests taken in Great Britain, pass rates, and the number of instructors. 

DfT – 09/06/2021 – Port freight quarterly statistics: January to March 2021 

Provisional quarterly statistics on freight handled by UK major ports for January to March 2021. 

DfT – 09/06/2021 – Information for drivers with diabetes 

Updated - Further information on what drivers with different types of diabetes need to tell DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) by law. 

DfT – 09/06/2021 – Port and domestic waterborne freight statistics: data tables 

Data about the international and domestic movement of freight by water, produced by Department for Transport. 

DfT – 08/06/2021 – Vehicle licensing statistics: January to March 2021 

Statistics on motor vehicles in Great Britain that were licensed on 31 March 2021, or which were registered for the first-time during January to March 2021 updated 

DfT – 08/06/2021 – Road Freight Statistics  

Statistics in relation to the domestic and international activity of British and Northern Irish heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in 2020 Updated. 

DfT – 08/06/2021 – Motoring services agencies business plans for 2021 to 2022 

Publication of the 2021 to 2022 business plans for the Department for Transport’s motoring agencies: DVSA, DVLA & VCA 

DfT – 03/06/2021 – DVSA has reviewed its temporary suspension of accepting new ATF applications 

The Department for Transport (DfT) has recommended that the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) should consider allowing more Authorised Testing Facilities (ATFs) to open. 

DfT – 02/06/2021 – £1.8 billion funding deal with Transport for London 

Third extraordinary funding and financing package for TfL, ensuring the continued running of London’s transport network through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Birmingham City Council – 01/06/2021 – Clean air zone goes live in Birmingham 

Birmingham’s class D Clean Air Zone (CAZ) went live on Tuesday 1 June 2021. Following this, Birmingham City Council has announced that, to help with the transition, there will be a short grace period until 14 June 2021. During this time, vehicles will not be charged to drive within the Birmingham CAZ. After this date, any vehicle that does not meet the emission requirements will need to pay the daily fee. 

Published On: 08/07/2021 16:00:37


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