Logistics UK's Events Code of Conduct
Logistics UK is committed to ensuring its events provide a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone present.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for everyone involved in our events.
The Code of Conduct applies to everyone involved in any aspect of our events. This includes physical and virtual events.
Key Principles:
We want everyone to feel welcome, valued and safe, and able to engage without fear of harassment, bullying, humiliation, pressure, intimidation or injury.
To achieve this, we expect everyone to act professionally, to be respectful of others both in person at the event, and in any interaction before or after the event.
Behaviour which could be perceived as harassment, discrimination, bullying, offensive language, physical or verbal abuse, or any form of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated.
Duty of Care
All attendees have a duty to take reasonable care for their own safety when attending events, as well as ensuring their own behaviour does not compromise the safety of others.
This responsibility includes the consumption of alcoholic beverages as part of an in-person event and therefore all attendees are expected to consume alcohol responsibly.
Logistics UK and the venues that we work with do not tolerate drug or alcohol misuse at our events. Our venues operate a strict no illegal substance policy, and any person found to be in possession or using such substances will be asked to leave and if necessary, police assistance may be sought.
We ask all attendees to look out for one another and let Logistics UK organisers know of any untoward behaviour.
If you, or anyone else in attendance, are made to feel uncomfortable, witness harassment of any type, or have any concerns regarding your welfare, or the welfare of another attendee, member of the venue staff or public in the venue, please contact a member of Logistics UK Events team, as soon as possible.
There will always be a member of the Logistics UK Events team on site, and they are fully briefed on this Code of Conduct, and will respond accordingly, including where necessary working with the venue’s security team when present.
If you become aware of an incident after the event itself, please still report it, by email to events@logistics.org.uk or by telephone 07818 450484.
Any reports will be treated in utmost confidence, and we ask that disclosure is kept to a minimum to give us the opportunity to fully investigate and respond to the situation.
Possible Outcomes:
Our response will depend upon the situation, but may include any one or more of the following actions:
• Addressing the incident with the committer(s) or their employer
• Expulsion from the event of the committer(s)
• Informing the venue security personnel and/or referring the matter to the police where applicable
• Exclusion from future Logistics UK events
We want our events to provide a safe, inclusive environment where professionals in their respective industries can come together, enjoy themselves and network. This is reliant on everyone involved in the event being respectful of one another and informing of any inappropriate behaviour, whether personally affected or not.
Any reporting of misconduct will be treated in complete confidentiality wherever requested and there will be no repercussions of doing so. If you witness or experience something at any Logistics UK events that does not sit comfortably with you, we urge you to let us know, in good faith.