Driver of the Year 2017
Calling all professional drivers of 18 and 44 tonne trucks and vans – could you be FTA’s next Driver of the Year?
This year we’ve opened up the competition to ALL professional drivers living in the UK. Three days of rigorous tests will reveal the country’s best drivers in each category, with an overall winner announced later in the year.
Competitors will be tested on their driving skills, manoeuvring ability, legislative knowledge and their ability to identify pre-use defects of the vehicle.
This event has now taken place, to see the indivdual winners of each award please click on the links at the bottom of this page. #FTAdriver17
Driver of the Year 44 Tonne
Each participant competed in a variety of tasks and scored on their performance. The tasks each participant competed in are below
- Defect check sponsored by Bridgestone Partners -
- Driving style supported by Fleetboard
- Economical driving supported by Signal Vehicle Solutions
- Risk assessment sponsored by Licence Bureau
- Manoeuvring
- Legislation test
The first place winner for the competition received a £1,000 holiday voucher with the second and third place winners receiving an iPad and a £150 Red Letter Day voucher respectively.
The finalists for 2017 were;
- NeythenFaceyAsda
- AugustasMieliauskasAugust transport Ltd
- VincentClarkBooker Ltd
- Malcolm RobertsBott Ltd
- RyanOliver DHL
- Christopher DavisEH Booth &Co
- Darren PrettHoward Tenens
- SimonBlurtonNFT Distribution Crick
- ChrisHarrisSainsburys
- ThomasKentSamworth Brothers Supply Chain
- Samuel WatsonSamworth Brothers Supply Chain
- ReeceCorneliusSamworth Brothers Supply Chain
- RossFultonScottish Water
- JohnMcGuinnessScottish Water
- DavidJackScottish Water
- Nicholas KingTRG - Superdrug Pontefract
- RodBlowersTurners Soham Ltd
- KarlBarmanViamaster Transport
- LeeGravesWH Bowker
- MartinTaylorXPO Logistics/Sainsburys
Driver of the Year 18 Tonne
The second day of Driver of the Year 2017 showcased the talents of the 18 tonne drivers in Driver of the Year (18 tonne), sponsored by Bridgestone Tyres.
Each participant competed in a variety of tasks and were scored on their performance. The results are as followed:
- Risk assessment supported by Licence Bureau - an online risk assessment test - Sean Preston, Greggs
- Pre-use defect check supported by Bridgestone Partners - they must find a pre-set number of defects on a vehicle - Rob Morris, Bibby Distribution
- Driving style supported by Microlise - drivers follow a set route with telematics recording their actions - Pamela Dennison, WS Dennison
- Economical driving - the telematics will record their average fuel consumption - Guntis Paberie
- Manoeuvring - they must manoeuvr around a set course of cones - Geriant Edwards, Seconds and Co.
- Legislation test - test prepared by the Member Advice Centre - Mike Pyrah, PJ Carey Group
Once all the tasks were completed the overall winners were announced.
In first place was Craig Stewart of Clarke International, winning a £1,000 holiday voucher.
In second place was Rob Morris of Bibby Distribution who took home an iPad
In third place was Jamie Jarman of Simple Waste Solutions who won a £150 Red Letter Day
A first for the competition was the Young Driver of the Year, a new category for 2017. The inaugural winner of the 18 tonne Young Driver of the Year was Lee Hawkins of Greggs.
Craig will now go on to compete against the winners of both the 44 tonne and Van Excellence categories with the overall winner being annoucned at the final Transport Manager of 2017.
The first place winner will receive a £1,000 holiday voucher with second and third place receiving an iPad and a Red Letter Day voucher worth £150 respectively.
The finalists for 2017 are;
- DaveHutchinsonAlloga UK Limited
- GavinTateArla Foods
- CliveSuttonBibby Distribution Ltd
- RobertMorrisBibby Distribution Ltd
- SimonPattersonBooker ltd
- MarcFergusonBT
- CraigStewartClarke International
- ArthurBartlett DLG Auto Services (UKAARC)
- Guntis Paberzis Greggs PLC
- LeeHawkinsGreggs PLC
- IonutIrimiaGreggs PLC
- SeanPrestonGreggs PLC
- LeeReesGreggs PLC
- DamienRaffertyM & A Doocey Plant Hire Ltd
- PaulNealO'Donovan Waste Disposal Ltd
- MichaelPyrahP J Carey Group
- ColinWilsonRiverRidge
- Geriant EdwardsSeconds and Co
- JamieJarmanSimply Waste Solutions
- PamelaDennisonW.S.Dennison Ltd
Van Driver of the Year
The opening day of Driver of the Year 2017 showcased the talents of FTA's Van Excellence operators.
Each participant competed in a variety of tasks and were scored on their performance. The results are as followed
- Risk assessment supported by ARI - an online risk assessment test - Mark Bergant, Scottish Water
- Pre-use defect check supported by Lex Autolease - they must find a pre-set number of defects on a vehicle - Darren Welding, Amey Fleet Services
- Driving style supported by Microlise - drivers follow a set route with telematics recording their actions - Andrew Bucknell, Bott Ltd
- Economical driving supported by Hertz - the telematics will record their average fuel consumption - David Hodgkins, Kelly Fleet Services
- Manoeuvring supported Brigade Electronics - they must manoeuver around a set course of cones - Paul Dickens, Carey Group
- Legislation test supported by Bott Ltd - test prepared by the Member Advice Centre - Steve Mumford, BT Supply Chain
Once all the tasks were completed the overall winners were announced.
In first place was Steve Mumford of BT Supply Chain, winning a £1,000 holiday voucher
In second place was Mark Forge of AAH Pharmaceuticals who took home an iPad
In third place was Paul Dickens of Carey Group who won a £150 Red Letter Day voucher
A first for the competition was the Young Driver of the Year, a new category added for 2017. The inaugural of the Van Excellence Young Driver of the Year was Luke Froggat of Amey Fleet Services.
Steve will now go on to compete against the winners of both the 44 tonne and 18 tonne category winners with the overall winner being announced at the final FTA Transport Manager of 2017.