Conference programme


Chair's welcome and introduction


Whats going wrong with maintenance leading to PI's and what options are available to operators to modernise their maintenance regimes?

This session will identify failures in maintenance and look at what simple tips can help to prevent these from reoccuring while also exploring how operators could modify their maintenance regimes to reduce their impact but still be highly compliant.

​Kevin Rooney, Traffic Commissioner for the West of England


Benefits for predictive maintenance and how this will be used

To provide delegates with an overview of what OEMs have, and are, working on that will facilitate autonomous driving and how they see this impacting on maintenance regimes.


New era of trailers - changes to design and manufacturing

This session will provide insight into how trailer designs have changed and will further change to meet custom needs and legislative demands.

Richard Owens, Technical Support Specialist & Marketing Manager, Don Bur


AI Development - what it will mean for maintenance

Exploring new AI technology and how it will shape how maintenance is done and the benefits it can bring both to asset utilisation and cost.


Putting the brake on testing

Discovering benefits of today’s EBPMS and looking at what phase 2 means for roller brake testing.

Owen Jenkins, Engineering Manager, BPW


Telematics today and into the future

An overview on the systems and technology available.


Approving new systems and vehicles 

Understanding the new GB approvals process and, what VCA are and will be doing to ensure that highly automated, and self-driving, systems work safely and effectively.

Nick Sanderson, Principle type approval engineer, VCA


Enforcement and recalls

An update on DVSA's current and future enforcement strategy, the development of ER and how it is evolving its recalls procedure to ensure safety of vehicles and products.

Neil Barlow, Head of MOT Policy, DVSA

Dave Wood, Head of Autonomous Vehicle Autonomy, DVSA


Training for tomorrow's world

Looking at the ever changing training landscape to ensure its meeting the current and future needs of our industry.

Steve Scofield, Head of Business Development, IMI



This session will look at the rating scheme and how its aimed to improve road safety for all road users.

Matthew Avery, Director of Strategic Development, Euro NCAP


Please note: programme is subject to change.

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