Earned Recognition Audit

As an authorised Earned Recognition audit provider, Logistics UK can support an operator’s application by providing a full and comprehensive audit required to join the Earned Recognition scheme. Audits will be undertaken by our competent and qualified auditors who fully meet and exceed DVSA’s auditor criteria at a location(s) most suitable to demonstrate your systems. Driver and vehicle files must also be available for sampling during the audit.
Following the audit day with you, a comprehensive, documented report will be produced clearly identifying where standards have been met. Where opportunities for improvement have been identified, our expert team can support operators in creating an action plan to address issues and arrange a re-audit of these areas to demonstrate full compliance with all Earned Recognition audit standards. Full audits can be carried out initially and then again periodically, every two years.
Logistics UK is also an authorised Earned Recognition drivers’ hours IT systems provider and can support operators with the continuous monitoring and reporting of drivers’ hours KPI’s to DVSA.
Who is it for?
The audit is designed for operators looking to demonstrate their compliance with the required Earned Recognition audit standards. The audit looks at the processes involved in the transport management systems and how effectively they are managed, demonstrating that any compliance issues are investigated and appropriately actioned.
What does the audit cover?
The Earned Recognition Audit covers 9 key sections, click here to find out more
HS2 Audit
This audit is offered in conjunction with the Earned Recognition Audit and we are authorised to deliver it to operators. The HS2 Audit cannot be carried out for an operator if they don’t have or are not seeking Earned Recognition.
Who is it for?
This audit is available to operators who already have Earned Recognition status or to those operators having their initial Earned Recognition Audit. The HS2 module will open opportunities for Earned Recognition operators who have chosen to join a scheme that has continuous monitoring to prove their high standards of compliance. Being able to bid for contracts such as HS2 will not only benefit the operator and contractor, but also help boost road safety by ensuring safe vehicles and drivers involved are of the highest standard.
For more information, please email consultingandstandards@logistics.org.uk