Driver Licence Checking Service

This service is available for Logistics UK members only and is designed to minimise the hassle and risk associated with checking whether your drivers are safe and legally compliant to operate your vehicles.

Our Driver Licence Checking Service has been developed in conjunction with TTC.

What is the service?

Health and safety legislation requires you to have a robust procedure and audit trail when it comes to driver licence checks.

Logistics UK's Driver Licence Checking Service has been developed in conjunction with TTC, the country’s leading provider of secure driver licence checks, to manage this labour-intensive job on your behalf. This ensures your business will be operating legally whilst you immediately profit from time and cost savings.



How will we benefit from taking this service?

Control - our online portal not only gives you the information and reports you require, it also provides you with control over your alerts and actions

Peace of mind - you can be assured that as experts are carrying out the checks they are being done correctly and in accordance with the law

Risk reduction - our service will help you remain compliant and protect against fines

Saves time - allowing us to do this time-consuming work reduces the hassle of you finding resource within your own company

Saves money - as a member of Logistics UK you benefit from member only rates

What other services are available?

Driver Risk Assessments

Having the ability to risk profile your drivers puts you in a position to more effectively manage your drivers and put corrective training procedures in place for those that may require it. Driver Risk Assessments can be set up either for all your drivers at a regularity to suit you or can be triggered via our Driver Licence Checking results


Grey Fleet Management

If any of your employees drive their own vehicles for business use it is you, the employer, who has a duty of care under health and safety law. To ‘cause or permit’ a person to drive a vehicle that may be in a dangerous condition ...


Online portal

All the services we offer are managed and accessed via our interactive online portal, allowing you to quickly see a dashboard overview of your reports, easily click through to further detail and manage the alerts you receive and ongoing actions


Right to Work Checks

Under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 it is the employers responsibility to ensure that employees have the right to work in the UK before employing them. We can carry out these checks for you to help you to avoid paying heavy fines. Reports are then available on our interactive online portal


How does licence checking work?

Our service enables you to quickly perform licence checks for all your drivers against current records, which are continually and automatically re-checked for you.

This system ensures you’re constantly informed of all relevant compliance issues, so you’re in control of managing your drivers, vehicle, fleet, costs and risks.

Members of the service will benefit from access to daily driver reports, which include information on items such as licence status, category detail, details of disqualifications, expiry alerts and more.

Find out more

To discover the right package for you please get in touch

There are various options available to you including basic and standard packages. We also offer a fixed price option for companies requiring up to 20 checks per year.

For full details of the packages available, please read our our case study or enquire online.



Driver Licence Checking Services brochure