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Decarbonisation Insight Report 2023: Part I - political and economic drivers

  • Monday 11 September 2023
  • 20 min read

While the direction of travel for the industry is clear, the scale of the challenge is massive. This two-part report aims to unpick some of the challenges and barriers on the journey to decarbonise.

In the first part of this report, written by Logistics UK’s policy team, we aim to set out the wider context for global warming and the political and economic drivers for decarbonisation, including the legal and financial frameworks, shareholder expectations, UK procurement rules, carbon pricing, science-based calculators and the funding and government support available.

In the second part, Tim Campbell, a consultant with more than 40 years’ experience in the automotive industry, explores how your business can set out its strategy to transition its commercial vehicles to zero carbon. Addressing questions such as what you need to do and when, operational choices you need to make, and what your strategy needs to address, Tim shares his experience of working with major players in the industry to identify the benefits of transitioning your fleet to zero carbon, as well as advising on which pitfalls to avoid.

These two sides of the report aim to give you both the wider historical, political and economic context for climate change and practical guidance on how it can be implemented.  

This report is free to Executive Members. For non-Executive Members the price is £1,900 per report and you can purchase this from Logistics UK's Shop here.


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