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Trade as a driver of innovation and productivity

Logistics enables all international trade, but barriers to trade risk impacting the UK’s innovation and productivity. The logistics sector is calling for trade to be backed as a driver of progress, ensuring it is as frictionless as possible and that the UK enjoys improved international connectivity.

Logistics enables all international trade, and it has responded with agility to challenges such as EU exit, COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine. However, barriers to trade and declining international connections are impacting the UK’s innovation and productivity, and there is a risk of these barriers growing in the coming months. 

The logistics sector is calling for trade to be backed as a driver of progress, ensuring it is as frictionless as possible and that the UK enjoys improved international connectivity. This entails simple borders, mutually recognised standards and professional qualifications, trade deals and infrastructure capacity at ports and airports.   

Key facts: 

  • Logistics enables the trade of more than £1 trillion of goods, over £400 billion of goods exports and over £600 billion of goods imports 

  • The UK’s competitiveness in logistics has declined due to factors largely outside the private sector’s control. The UK is ranked 19th on the World Bank’s 2023 Logistics Performance Index (LPI) – a significant drop compared to the average placement of 6th between 2012 and 2018 

We are calling for:

  • Trade policy to be codesigned between government and the logistics sector 

  • Efficient delivery of the 2025 UK Border Strategy and Target Operating Model, in close coordination with the logistics sector, to ensure it is efficient and effective 

  • Efficient implementation of the Windsor Framework, in close coordination with the logistics sector, to protect and grow trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

For the long term, the logistics sector is calling for: 

  • A new trading relationship with Europe that’s as frictionless as possible.

  • New Free Trade Agreements, in close coordination with the logistics sector, to unlock market access and facilitate efficient trade systems for UK logistics companies, to grow UK-world trade