Graduated fixed penalty report set explained

This page is aimed at members looking to determine the potential graduated fixed penalties they may have, based on the infringements incurred by their drivers.

Level 1

'GFP % £ value penalty'
The set starts at company level.

A pie chart is used to represent the percentage of potential penalties based on the infringements incurred by the company's drivers. The four penalty charges are depicted by different colours within the pie chart:

  • £30 penalty - pink/lavender segment
  • £60 penalty - purple segment
  • £120 penalty - maroon segment
  • £200 penalty - blue segment

Click on the pie chart to drill down to the next level.

NB all the reports in this set are reporting on a 12-month rolling date range, ending on the present date, but these dates can be edited by selecting start and end dates and then processing these by pressing on the 'view report' button.

Level 2

'Potential GFP penalties/fines by company'
This set is also looking at company level data.

There are two pie charts and a bar displayed on this screen. Each of these three have a drill down path of their own.

Level 2a

'Per cent of penalty in category' pie chart
A pie chart (left side of page) is used to represent the percentage of potential penalties based on the infringements incurred by the company's drivers. The four penalty charges are depicted by different colours within the pie chart and explained in the key as well as the amount of each type of penalty.

Click on the pie chart to drill down to the next level.

Level 2b,c,d - tables

This level is looking at the data within the next level of your company reporting set-up on the website. If you have any custom 'areas' set it up it will work through them (area 1,2,3) to depot level and then from the depots you will be able to see the drivers within each. From the driver level table you will be able to go straight to the driver daily/weekly analysis report.

The report is laid out in table format displaying the area/depot/driver on the left hand side, highlighted in blue.

For each area/depot/driver the report displays the amount of each infringement type incurred and the split of potential penalties and fines categories.

Clicking on an area or depot highlighted in blue will take you down to the next level of your reporting set up.

Clicking on a driver highlighted in blue will drill down to that driver's daily/weekly analysis report. This report defaults to a three-week date period but these dates can be changed within the report by selecting a start and end date and then selecting the 'view report' option.

The report is set out into columns showing: day, date, vehicle, start/end odometer readings, start/end times and then a breakdown of the activity totals in hours and minutes: shift, duty, drive, work, rest and available.

The infringements are listed below the above information in chronological order and grouped up by infringement types: EU, domestic, record and working time.

NB weekly rest infringements can only be calculated accurately using data for a complete three week period.
Within the driver daily/weekly analysis report users can click on the infringement codes within the content (highlighted in blue) to be taken directly to the section of the Manager's Guide to Tachofta codes for more information.

Clicking on the 'Excel' button will export any report you are looking at into the Microsoft Excel programme, giving users the ability to manipulate the data as they see fit to, for example, produce their own style graphical reports from the data within the report.

Level 3a

'Per cent value penalty'
A pie chart (right side of page) is used to represent the potential percentage value incurred within each infringement category. The three infringement categories are depicted by different colours within the pie chart and explained in the key as well as the amount of potential penalties that have been incurred for each infringement type.

  • EU infringements and £ value of potential penalties - red segment
  • record infringements and £ value of potential penalties - orange segment
  • domestic infringements and £ value of potential penalties - dark red segment

Click on the pie chart to drill down to the next level.

Level 3b,c,d - bar graph

This level is looking at the data within the next level of your company reporting set up on the website. If you have any custom 'areas', set it up it will work through them (area 1,2,3) to depot level and then from the depots you will be able to see the drivers within each.

The report is laid out in a horizontal bar graph format displaying the potential penalties and fines in £ value for each infringement category. There is a bar for each infringement type that follows the same colour scheme as explained in the previous level. The bars themselves represent the total amount of potential penalties and fines, whilst the figures within each bar show the actual £ value of potential penalties and fines for that infringement category.

The areas/depots and drivers are displayed in the left-hand axis and ranked in order of highest amount of potential penalties and fines first with the rest in descending order.
Click on any of the bars against an area or depot to drill down to the next level of your company's reporting structure until you reach driver level.

Click on any of the bars next to a driver to drill further down to the breakdown of individual infringement codes and potential penalties and fines for each one.

Level 4a

'Potential penalties/fines'
A bar is used to represent the potential percentage value incurred within each infringement category. The three infringement categories are depicted by different colours within the bar.

This report set functions the same way as report level 3 except for the user determines which infringement category's potential penalties or fines they wish to focus on. By clicking on each individual section of the bar takes the user to the potential penalties and fines for the infringement category selected. Eg by clicking on the red section of the bar will drill down through the company structure set up for your company showing the EU category infringements.

Level 4b,c,d - bar graph

This level is looking at the data within the next level of your company reporting set up on the website. If you have any custom 'areas' set it up it will work through them (area 1,2,3) to depot level and then from the depots you will be able to see the drivers within each.

The report is laid out in a horizontal bar graph format displaying the potential penalties and fines in £ value for the infringement category selected from the original bar. There is a bar for the infringement type that follows the same colour scheme as explained in the previous level. The bar itself represents the total amount of potential penalties and fines, whilst the figures within each bar show the actual £ value of potential penalties and fines for that infringement category.

The areas/depots and drivers are displayed in the left hand axis and ranked in order of highest amount of potential penalties and fines first with the rest in descending order.

Click on any of the bars against an area or depot to drill down to the next level of your company's reporting structure until you reach driver level.

Click on any of the bars next to a driver to drill further down to the breakdown of individual infringement codes and potential penalties and fines for each one.